Daddy's poem
So this is one of the poems my daddy has been posting here. It's by Julia de Burgos who is Puerto Rican which is why I chose it first to try and translate. It turns out that I really, really like the poem. But it was very difficult, so it may not be exactly right...Dame tu hora perdida-Give me your lost hour
De tu existencia mulitple dame la hora perdida-From your numerous existence give me the lost hour
cuando vacio de todo, no sientas ni la vida-When emptied of everything, you do not feel neither life
Cuando te encuentres solo, tan lejos de ti mismo-When you find yourself alone, so far from yourself
que te pase la mera conciencia del mutismo-the mere conscience of silence weighs on you
Cuando estes tan distante del farsante murmullo-When you are so far from fake whispering
que deshagas la formula de tu arrogante orgullo-which undoes the formula of your arrogant pride
Entonces, ya vacio de todo, con tu nada-Then, already empty of everything, with your nothing
acercate a mi senda y espera mi llegada-Approach my footpath and wait my arrival
Yo te dare la nota mas cierta de mi vida-I will give you the most certain note of my life
Tu me daras le nada de tu hora perdida-You will give me the nothing of your lost hour
Yo te dare inquietudes, sentidas emociones-I will give you reslestness, felt emotions
que turben to vacio y broten en canciones-that disturb your emptiness and appear in songs
Tu me daras la nada de la inmortal mentira-You will give me the nothing of your immortal lie
de eternizar las cosas en su inmortal mentira-from ages of things in your immortal lie
Yo te dare verdades de todo tangible-I will give you truths of everything tangible
para pesar la nada de tu vida insensible-in order to weigh the nothing of your insensitive life
Y asi, tu te daras en mi como se fuera-And so, you will give yourself to me as if one was going away
mi vida un aletazo de la ida primavera-my life flutters with the going spring
Que nunca ha sido, y siempre se extiende en nuestras almas-What never has been, and always extends in our souls
como verdad de nada, iqual que las no almas-like truth of nothing, equals that the souless
Y yo me dare en ti como futuro incierto-And I will give myself to you as if uncertain future
de tiempos que no han sido, y cancion que no ha muerto-of times that have not been, and song that has not died
Y alzaremos en ritmo virante y alocado-And we will raise in vibrant and wild rythym
la sublime mentira de habernos encontrado-the sublime lie to have found us
Yo, en la nada insensible de tu hora perdida-Me, in the insensitive nothing of you lost hour
y tu, en la tambien nada de mi frivola vida-And you, also in the nothing of my frivolous life
You get a Gold Star!
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