Friday, March 28, 2008

Where does your faith lie?

You look at me with those skeptic’s eyes
You ask me where does my faith lie?
In what god’s hands have I placed my life?
In which set of rules have I found my guide
In your mind spirituality is defined
By the conventions your daddy outlined
You’ve let religion’s laws take the lead
Instead of being something you simply have
It’s something you need

Where does my faith lie?
In the loved that I’ve learned
The love given and taken
Both the love that is free and that which is earned
I have faith in what connects you to me
As my sister, my brother
As part of humanity
I have faith in the sun everyday
Reaching the mid sky at noon
I have faith in the tide
Changing with the cycles of the moon
I have faith in the beauty of a terrifying storm
And that after the long dark rain
The sky will brighten soon
Living and dying
Loving and growing
That is where my faith lies


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