Blah... no title
I dont know if I like this one, I just wrote it really quick...I am tired of people
And the way that they greet me
It’s like they think they know who I am
The moment they meet me
It’s a slow up and down
And a look in the eyes
A smirk and a line
If you’re a guy
It’s a slow up and down
And twitch of the lips
A civil hello
If you’re a chick
Well let me tell you something
About your first impression
I’m more than this body
Its shape and its race
I’m more than this expression
More than this pretty face
I’ve got a brain that won’t stop running
Even when I’m asleep
I don’t follow everyone else around
I’m not a cow, I am not a sheep
I’m as proud of my beauty
As I am of what I do
And as brave as I am up in your face
I’m just as shy in the bedroom
And I do what’s right by me
And the people that I love
And I could care less if you say hello
Or look down on me from above
So don’t let my looks fool you
Don’t assume you’ve gotten by
Just because I didn’t seem to notice
The sarcasm in your smile
‘Cause I can undress you with my eyes
And discover all your sins
‘Cause I know what bullshit smells like
When it comes from either end