Whose going to Spain?
I'm going to Spain this winter! Woohoo!
Bought my ticket, will be able to pay Dad back, pay my rent and still have a nice little chunk of money left over. Hell yeah!
Now, Im off to study Spanish grammar and literature till my eyes fall out...
"Uno nunca sabe que el futuro puede traer..."
Asi, uno nunca cierra los ojos por miedo.
Daddy's poem
So this is one of the poems my daddy has been posting here. It's by Julia de Burgos who is Puerto Rican which is why I chose it first to try and translate. It turns out that I really, really like the poem. But it was very difficult, so it may not be exactly right...
Dame tu hora perdida-Give me your lost hour
De tu existencia mulitple dame la hora perdida-From your numerous existence give me the lost hour
cuando vacio de todo, no sientas ni la vida-When emptied of everything, you do not feel neither life
Cuando te encuentres solo, tan lejos de ti mismo-When you find yourself alone, so far from yourself
que te pase la mera conciencia del mutismo-the mere conscience of silence weighs on you
Cuando estes tan distante del farsante murmullo-When you are so far from fake whispering
que deshagas la formula de tu arrogante orgullo-which undoes the formula of your arrogant pride
Entonces, ya vacio de todo, con tu nada-Then, already empty of everything, with your nothing
acercate a mi senda y espera mi llegada-Approach my footpath and wait my arrival
Yo te dare la nota mas cierta de mi vida-I will give you the most certain note of my life
Tu me daras le nada de tu hora perdida-You will give me the nothing of your lost hour
Yo te dare inquietudes, sentidas emociones-I will give you reslestness, felt emotions
que turben to vacio y broten en canciones-that disturb your emptiness and appear in songs
Tu me daras la nada de la inmortal mentira-You will give me the nothing of your immortal lie
de eternizar las cosas en su inmortal mentira-from ages of things in your immortal lie
Yo te dare verdades de todo tangible-I will give you truths of everything tangible
para pesar la nada de tu vida insensible-in order to weigh the nothing of your insensitive life
Y asi, tu te daras en mi como se fuera-And so, you will give yourself to me as if one was going away
mi vida un aletazo de la ida primavera-my life flutters with the going spring
Que nunca ha sido, y siempre se extiende en nuestras almas-What never has been, and always extends in our souls
como verdad de nada, iqual que las no almas-like truth of nothing, equals that the souless
Y yo me dare en ti como futuro incierto-And I will give myself to you as if uncertain future
de tiempos que no han sido, y cancion que no ha muerto-of times that have not been, and song that has not died
Y alzaremos en ritmo virante y alocado-And we will raise in vibrant and wild rythym
la sublime mentira de habernos encontrado-the sublime lie to have found us
Yo, en la nada insensible de tu hora perdida-Me, in the insensitive nothing of you lost hour
y tu, en la tambien nada de mi frivola vida-And you, also in the nothing of my frivolous life
Fur Tun tun... and a little something else
So in literature we were given this example of hiperbole which reminded me of my good friend Tun tun...
Erase un naricisimo infinito,
muchisimo mariz, nariz tan fiera,
que en la cara de Anas fuera delito.
Je je, basically its about a big nose.... although I can't translate it directly myself, but it made me think of him, which in turn made me miss Spain, which I always am anyways.
And in grammar when discussing stressed and unstressed object pronouns, I came across an example that reminded me of something alltogether different and not as pleasant, but since it stuck out to me I thought Id post it and translate it...
No te escribio a ti, me escribio a mi, asi que me quiere a mi y no a ti. (There are a bunch of accents that belong in there which I can't to on this computer..."
It means: He didn't write YOU, he wrote ME, so he loves ME and not YOU.
Este manhana cuando dormia, estaba sonhando con Espanha y mis amigos alli durante dos o tres horas... me levante muy feliz, pero tambien un poco nostalgia por que no estaba en Espanha...
Un Dia Lejano...
So this is a song I really like by Juanes that I decided I wanted to try and translate, although I'm not too sure I did a good job... later on I want to try and translate the poem someone posted in response to my first post... that was pretty cool. Anyways here is the song by Juanes that I really like... Im gonna do a line in Spanish then a line in english...
Un Dia Lejano-A Faroff Day
A veces me da por volver a pensar-Sometimes Im given to return in thought
En esos dias que el tiempo barro-Of those days time erased
Y en las huellas que dejo-And of the footsteps you leave
Y cada vez que me alejo te siento mas-And each time you move away from me, I feel you more
Y cada vez es mas fuerte el sentimiento-And each time the feeling is stronger
De que algun dia podras volver-That one day you will return
A sanar nuestro amor-To heal our love
A veces me da por correr y escapar-Sometimes Im given to run and to escape
Por lamentar lo que nunca te di-From regretting that which I never gave you
Y lo que siempre to escondi-And that which I always hid from you
Tal vez algun dia lejano quizas te vuelva a encontrar-Perhaps one faroff day I will return to find you
Tal vez algun dia lejan quizas to pueda olvidar-Perhaps one day I can forget you
Te pueda olvidar, te pueda olvida-I can forget you, I can forget you
I skipped the repeats of the chorus... the first line was hard because Im not sure I quite understood the use of dar in this instance, but I tried to infer what it would mean from the context. Anyways, I really like this song...
A picture!

A picture of me and a bit of my friend Sara. My sister Jess was trying to get us both but had it zoomed in too much... turned out to be an allright picture of me though. This was in the airport when I got back from Spain...
A new place to put things like this...
And because I have nothing interesting to write myself, here is something that I like very much. It's a bit from a short story, "El Recado", by Elena Poniatowska, that I read for my Spanish Literature class. It's very pretty and I am going to try and translate it although it won't be as pretty in English I'm sure of it.
"Pienso en ti muy despacito, como si te dibujara dentro de mi y quedaras alli grabado. Quisiera tener la certeza de que te voy a ver manhana y pasado manhana y siempre en una cadena ininterrumpida de dias; que podre mirarte lentamente aunque ya me se cada rinconcito de to rostro; que nada entre nosotros ha sido provisional o un accidente."
I think of you slowly, as if you will draw yourself inside of me and will stay engraved there. I want to have the certainty that I am going to see you tommorrow and the day after tommorrow and always in an uninterrupted chain of days; that I will be able to watch you slowly although I already know each curve of your face; that nothing between us has been temporary or an accident.